Trademark Application Fee Calculator

Interactive Fee Calculator
USA Trademark Applications

What's included in the basic flat fee?

Legal fee covers a 1-class application

Each additional class after the first adds +$100 to the legal fee. Each class also has a a government fee. See Fee Calculator.

Preliminary trademark knockout search of applied for and registered marks with the USPTO


Common law trademark search 

Not included

Prepare consent to registration letter if trademark incorporates the name or likeness of any person 

Not included
Required if trademark incorporates name or likeness of a person. Available for additional fee (see Fee Calculator).

Claiming priority date or basing registration on prior-filed foreign application or registration

Not included
Available for additional fee (see Fee Calculator). Foreign filing must meet certain requirements to qualify.

Respond to simple office actions involving obvious disclaimer requests


Email notice of all other office actions (unless simple ministerial issue that you previously authorized us to respond to)


Respond to office actions (other than those involving obvious disclaimer requests)

Not included

Email notice of publication


Email notice if third-party opposes application


Defend opposition if third-party opposes application

Not included

Electronic delivery of registration certificate


Receive physical copy of registration certificate

Not included

A physical copy of your registration certificate can be mailed to a US address for flat fee of $149.

That Can Impact Cost​

If at the time your application is filed, you are not using your trademark in US commerce for all of the goods/services covered by your application, your application will be filed based on your intent to use the mark (with some limited exceptions).

When you file based on your intent to use a mark, you are required to file a Statement of Use (or if the application is still pending USPTO review — an Allegation of Use) before the application can register. These filings have both legal and government fees. The amount will depend upon the number of trademark classes your application covers and how long it takes you to start use in commerce for all the goods/services included in your application.

Check out our interactive fee calculator above to calculate your costs.

An Office Action is a refusal letter from the USPTO that explains why the trademark examining attorney believes that the trademark application either cannot be registered or requests that the Applicant provide additional information or make modifications to an application.

If an Office Action issues on an application I filed for you, I’ll report the Office Action to you. Once I know what the issues are, I’ll be able to provide you with a flat fee quote for preparing a response. If you do not wish to respond to the Office Action, I will not take further action and your application will be abandoned.

If the USPTO trademark examining attorney approves your application, it will be published. During the 30-day publication period, if any third-party that believes your application should not be entitled to registration, they can file a Notice of Opposition (or request an Extension of Time to file a Notice of Opposition).

Defending a Notice of Opposition is outside the scope of any filing fees you paid. The cost to defend a Notice of Opposition can vary widely.